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The battle for Duos supremacy RETURNS to STAB! Comedy Theater with Dual Duel 6!
Carrying on the tradition of the Sacramento Dual Duel, (started at CSz Sacramento, then jointly produced by CSz Sacramento and STAB!, and now continuing on through STAB!) this 6th iteration of the Two Person Improv Competition pits the finest, fiercest improv pairs against each other to decide who will be Dual Duel 6 Champion and join the pantheon of proud past peerless preeminent praiseworthy prizewinning partners!
Sundays @ 8pm - $8
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* You don't have to purchase a "Virtual Ticket" to watch any live streamed STAB! Comedy Theater show, but if you like a show and want to support it and the theater, this is the best way, as the "Virtual Ticket" costs will be split with the producers of the show, helping to contribute to the theater and performers at the same time.
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