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The world of professional wrestling is filled with pageantry and spectacle. Majesty and triumph. Spectacular physical feats and moving emotional moments.
It's also filled with huge, oiled up, muscular men in tiny pants yelling about the most insane things and somehow keeping a straight face about it.
Improv shares a lot of all of those elements, which is why Alex Shewmaker and friends bring you "One Fall Improv" a long form improv show inspired by the highs and lows and everything in between or the Professional Wrestling world!
Step into the improvised ring and feel the fury!
One Fall Improv
Second Saturdays @ 8pm - $8
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* You don't have to purchase a "Virtual Ticket" to watch any live streamed STAB! Comedy Theater show, but if you like a show and want to support it and the theater, this is the best way, as the "Virtual Ticket" costs will be split with the producers of the show, helping to contribute to the theater and performers at the same time.
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