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​You've got your improv comedy in my legitimate theater! You've got your legitimate theater in my improv comedy! Wait, you're both right, and it's fantastic.
In Scene Kids, two people take the stage. One of them has their half of a scene from a TV show, Movie, Stage Play, even Song or Video Game memorized. The other, has absolutely no idea what's coming and has to improvise their half of the scene! THAT'S Scene Kids! And it's the most fun you can have in a theater!
Join the Scene Kids and have lunch on your high school theater's steps, it's where all the cool kids hung out!
Scene Kids
Second Saturdays @ 9pm - $10
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* You don't have to purchase a "Virtual Ticket" to watch any live streamed STAB! Comedy Theater show, but if you like a show and want to support it and the theater, this is the best way, as the "Virtual Ticket" costs will be split with the producers of the show, helping to contribute to the theater and performers at the same time.
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