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the STAB! show
Friday Nights @ 7:30pm
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Twelve years of the absolute best comedy in Sacramento, the STAB! show brings a panel of brand new material from some of your favorite improvisors, stand-ups, writers and all around hilarious people Every Week!
The comedy writing panel show called STAB! challenges the areas funniest stand-ups, improvisors, writers and other various funny people of all disciplines to craft brand new material weekly, live on stage and streamed around the world! The STAB! show is the playing field where all walks of comedic minds come together to stretch their legs, test their mettle and craft the most ridiculous, absurd and genius comedy you'll ever hear!
Every week your host Jesse Jones gives the funniest people he can find the most random assignments and 24-48 hours to come up with brand new material for the live, online and podcast audience!
So join us live, in person or from the comfort of your own home for the finest, most insane, intelligent and unintelligible comedy show you'll find anywhere. The show called... STAB!
* You don't have to purchase a "Virtual Ticket" to watch any live streamed STAB! Comedy Theater show, but if you like a show and want to support it and the theater, this is the best way, as the "Virtual Ticket" costs will be split with the producers of the show, helping to contribute to the theater and performers at the same time.
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